Premular PMS Symptomatic Relief Tablets

Feeling not quite yourself during a particular time of the month? TRY PREMULAR!

If you're feeling less tolerant, angry, and irritable, and this happens before your period starts but you’re feeling like your old self again once you begin to menstruate, you may be suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). You are not alone.  It is estimated that 40% of women will be significantly affected by PMS symptoms at some time during their life and up to 7% will suffer severe symptoms. The average age of onset is 26 years.

The good news is that with Premular there’s something you can do about it. 

Premular is an evidence-based natural medicine that is clinically proven to relieve a range of physical and mental PMS symptoms including irritability, anger, bloating, breast fullness, headache and mood; and provides increasing and sustained relief over time. Premular is also well tolerated and its once-a-day dosing makes it convenient to take.

Premular contains a clinically trialed extract (Ze 440) of the herbVitex agnus-castus, also known as Chaste tree. Each tablet of Premular contains an extract equivalent to dryVitex agnus-castusfruit 180mg. Vitex agnus-castushas a long history of traditional use for hormonal conditions and menstrual complaints.