Jóh-Ann Gouws

Physiotherapist with a special interest in Pelvic Health, Orthopaedics and Musculo-Skeletal Function

To request an appointment, please contact me on:

Practice Number: 012 881 1777

Email: visserandpieters@gmail.com

Website: Home | Visser and Pieters

Practice: Block 5, Pony street, Tijger Vallei Office Park, Silver Lakes Road.

View on Google Maps.

Professional Registration Number: PT0112038

Facebook: Visser and Pieters | Facebook

Instagram: Joh-Ann Gouws (@jgouwsphysio) • Instagram photos and videos

Jóh-Ann Gouws is a physiotherapist specialising in the field of sexual medicine since 2012.  She graduated from the University of Pretoria in 2011 and began her postgraduate training in pelvic health in 2012.

Jóh-Ann originally specialised in orthopaedics but soon realised that she had an absolute passion for pelvic health. She uses her knowledge gained from orthopaedic rehabilitation to compliment her pelvic health therapy.

Jóh-Ann treats both females and males with pelvic health problems and also children who have problems with leaking bladders, bowels and bed-wetting. She has a particular love for treatment of post-natal pelvic pain and unconsummated marriages, but also deals with other pelvic pain or problems holistically.

Jóh-Ann strongly believes in educating the public and has conducted radio interviews and provides education through various social media platforms.

She serves on the Pelvic and Women’s Health Physiotherapy group committee of the South African Society of Physiotherapy and is a member of the MSH team.


  • BPhysT (UP)
  • Post Graduate qualification in Pelvic and Women’s Health Physiotherapy

Additional Sexual Health Related Memberships:

Official Registration:

Disclaimer:  MSH provides a platform for Sexual Health providers to network and learn in order to render the highest level of sexual health services to patients.  MSH does not take responsibility for the clinical practice of any of its members.  Any concerns can be directed towards info@mysexualhealth.co.za but misconduct needs to be reported to the registration body of the particular individual.