Practice Number: 061 302 6730
Available for online consultations.
She is well known for her internationally acknowledged adult sexuality education model, Binaries and Boxes (or Not!), sensitising health care and other service providers, individuals and communities, to have an increased understanding of sexual and gender identity and diversity.
Delene’s been involved in private practice since 2005. Lately she focusses specifically on sexuality and gender, assisting and supporting individuals, families, couples, throuples +, to understand and find meaning in the challenges they are faced with, their healing process, relationships, intimacy and connection with the self and significant others.
BCur (IetA), University of Pretoria
Past and present projects
Disclaimer: MSH provides a platform for Sexual Health providers to network and learn in order to render the highest level of sexual health services to patients. MSH does not take responsibility for the clinical practice of any of its members. Any concerns can be directed towards but misconduct needs to be reported to the registration body of the particular individual.