Karen Moross

Research Psychologist; Registered Counsellor; Divorce Mediator

To request an appointment, please contact me on:

Practice Number: (082) 440-8128



Practice: 44 10th Avenue Parktown North Johannesburg Gauteng 2193

View on Google Maps.

Professional Registration Number: PRC0010260

Hours of Clinical Health Work:  Between 100 and 500

Karen Moross has a private practice in Johannesburg and works with individuals, couples and families.

She worked for many years in the NGO sector where she gained extensive experience in family and relationship therapy. Karen also practices as a divorce mediator.

She has a special interest in adolescence and is currently a PhD (Psych) candidate researching adolescent wellness in the digital age.

As a psychotherapist, sexual wellbeing and health are a vital part of my life and work. I have recently joined the My Sexual Health team in order to up-skill and practice as a professional and credible sexual health provider.


Registered Counsellor – MA (Psych) Wits

Official Registration:
  • Registered Medical Doctor with the HPCSA
  • Practice number: PRC0010260/Pr No: 081 000 0380628

Disclaimer:  MSH provides a platform for Sexual Health providers to network and learn in order to render the highest level of sexual health services to patients.  MSH does not take responsibility for the clinical practice of any of its members.  Any concerns can be directed towards info@mysexualhealth.co.za but misconduct needs to be reported to the registration body of the particular individual.