Candice Langford

Candice Langford is a Pelvic Function Physiotherapist

To request an appointment, please contact me on:

Practice Number: +13456405050


Website: Home | Candice Langford

Practice: 45 Market Street, Unit 3A, Camana Bay, Grand Cayman, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

View on Google Maps.

Professional Registration Number: PT0121363

Hours of Clinical Health Work:  More than 1000 hours

Year Joined in MSH: 2020

Facebook: Candice Langford | Facebook

Instagram: Candice Langford (@nurtureyourvagina) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitter: Candice Langford / Twitter

LinkedIn: Candice Langford

YouTube: Candice Langford

Podcast: Candice Langford

Candice Langford is a pelvic physiotherapist in the Cayman Islands, with a diverse background in studies relating to the treatment and management of pelvic pain and dysfunction.

Alongside practicing as a pelvic and sexual health physiotherapist, she is dedicated to increasing access to appropriate care by disarming taboo through community education and empowerment regarding pelvic health.

She does so through public speaking and through social media, you will hear her lightheartedly speaking about; “pee, poo, pleasure, pain, periods, pregnancy, postpartum…” with an intention to create comfort and confidence about topics relating to comprehensive health.


BSc Physio, University of Cape Town

Official Registration:
  • Registered Medical Doctor with the HPCSA
  • Practice number: PT0121363
  • Official Regulating Body Registration Number: THU0050

Disclaimer:  MSH provides a platform for Sexual Health providers to network and learn in order to render the highest level of sexual health services to patients.  MSH does not take responsibility for the clinical practice of any of its members.  Any concerns can be directed towards but misconduct needs to be reported to the registration body of the particular individual.